Coach, Entrepreneur, Author, Keynote Speaker
As a boy, I believed that I would be the director of a science institute one day. So, early on, I got a BSc in Genetics and an MSc in Plant Pathology. However, when I ran short of money for my studies, I began selling Chinese electronic tablets from the boot of my car in 2011. This small business proved so lucrative that it led me to a postgraduate diploma in Marketing, Finance, Banking and Investment. In 2013, I then took a leap of faith and founded Zasttra.com – which went on to become one of South Africa’s fastest-growing online retail stores. I was trailblazing.
The momentary success came with many accolades and opportunities, such as speaking on the TEDx stage, guest speaking at Google Start-Up Grind and acknowledgement as one of the 100 Young Independents in South Africa amongst many other media accomplishments.
Grateful as I am for all these accolades, what people never see are the realities one faces behind the scenes. I have had my failures too. My journey has not been perfect, nor is it anywhere near to perfect yet, yet life feels perfect right now. Despite having nearly ten years of experience building leading eCommerce platforms, I almost lost everything I had built, and I was failing miserably at living a happy life. It took four long years of stress, misery, anxiety, and depression before finally learning how to take control of my life and cultivate my own happiness.
This has made me genuinely passionate about helping people in need live happier, healthier lives. I want to create a more conscious and connected world by teaching people how to become the highest version of themselves while doing good for the planet. My goal is to help others achieve the ultimate in personal transformation and happiness.
My unique set of skills and expertise allows me to help anyone and any organization that is hungry for change and growth.